Siva Ramamurthy, Hartford, CT, USA
University Departments of Anna University Chennai, CEG Campus, Chennai
Associated with
the College as :
The years at CEG, Anna university were great in many ways. The state sponsored education on computer science was world class and atmosphere was filled with either people full of Knowledge( faculty) or the people who seek them. A very bright competive set of students brought out the best of every other's potential!
The facilities provided by RCC (Ramanujam Computing Centre) were extremely helpful during critical project activities.
The Boarding in Bharthidasan hostel was very good... it was one of the then newly built dorms and it had a good sized TV set to watch Cricket games.
On our sixth semester allmost all my batchmates were able to secure very good jobs through internal placement system. All in all it was a grand experience. Two thumb way up!
Highly Recommended To Future Students